ModBlox7 – Rethought
How standardization helps to develop more stable system architectures.
How to monitor your micro controller devices with Prometheus and Grafana
Why monitoring? You have just completed your firmware for your microcontroller and have a bunch of them installed at your customer's site. They seem to work, but you are unsure how they behave in the long run? You want to know if they are online, how much memory they...
Can the Industrial PC Market Scale Any Further?
Jeder Systemarchitekt kennt das Dilemma. Am liebsten würde er alles selbst im eigenen Haus entwickeln lassen. Dann wäre es wenigstens exakt so, wie es für ihre/seine Systemarchitektur perfekt passen würde. Immer weniger Unternehmen können sich dieses Vorgehen leisten,...