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LYVE in Berlin - and elsewhere
We are delighted that our LYVE portfolio for high-precision indoor and outdoor vehicle positioning has been designed into the product portfolio of our customer and partner Verkehrsautomatisierung Berlin GmbH. Under the product brand VABlocate, we now jointly (VAB, Ci4Rail and Pinpoint GmbH) offer a vehicle positioning solution for depots and parking facilities including the back-office solution “Cockpit” with interfaces to manufacturer-independent depot management systems, independent track visualization and logic as well as detailed monitoring and management options for all components.
Details about LYVE can be found here.

Monitoring and identification of faults in the infrastructure at Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB)
We are proud to support Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) as part of an EU-funded project to reduce the ecological footprint of public transport. Over the next two years, we will be collecting condition data, identifying faults and carrying out analyses to optimize maintenance activities, specifically in relation to overhead lines, pantographs, rails and track systems. In addition, we will process energy consumption data in order to identify the energy cost drivers in relation to vehicle, circulation, climate, time of day, position, etc. and thus reduce daily operating costs through suitable measures.
A detailed article can be found here.
Final report of the C-NA working group
Under the auspices of the C-NA (Think Tank for Mobility, Transport & Logistics), various topics are addressed across companies in so-called Innovation Circles. As part of the Innovation Circle IT Security, a working group specifically discussed IT security for the maintenance interfaces for vehicle electronics in railway applications. The final report is now available.
Many thanks to the participants of the working group from the companies IoW, Incyde, DLR, Infoteam, VAG, Critical Software, Wabtec, Ci4Rail.
The final report is available for download here.
You can find us at many events in 2024
We have a busy year ahead of us. We look forward to holding interesting discussions with you and presenting our products and services at the various trade fairs.
Simply visit us or make an appointment today.
ERCI Webinar - Seamless Vehicle Positioning
Did you miss the webinar on “Seamless Vehicle Positioning in Rail via GNSS-UWB Sensor Fusion”?
Here you can watch and listen to what our CEO Mathias Beer and Dr. Thomas Graichen, COO of our technology partner Pinpoint GmbH, presented in a very well attended ERCI webinar.
ModBlox7 - How the diverse field of industrial PCs is being standardized
Standardization brings us manufacturers many advantages, but above all it gives our customers the opportunity to generate long-lasting system architectures and avoid vendor lock-in.
You can read about how ModBlox7 can help in this article.
ISO 9001 Certification
We are pleased to have successfully mastered another milestone in our company’s development.
In November 2022 we successfully passed our initial audit for ISO 9001:2015 and KBA (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt – Federal Office for Motor Vehicles) – without any major or minor deviation!
In November 2023 we passed our first supervision audit also without any deviations.
So we are now also able to develop, produce and deliver UN ECE R10 qualified products for the automotive market with E1 label.